

From Modena to the global market, from small mounting and assembly jobs to complex proprietary handling systems: LM, an Italian entrepreneurial success story.

Discover LM’s history

Its origins in the Packaging Valley
LM was founded in 1975 in Modena, in the Packaging Valley, the second industrial cluster in the world for presence on the global markets. In this rich context of business opportunities and extensive skills, especially in ceramic and packaging sector technologies, a young engineer, Marco Franzoni, decided to invest in an industrial processing and assembly business, which after an initial period of ceramic industrial sub-contracts, started getting large jobs for the supply of conveyor and bottling systems. With a natural propensity for innovation and familiarity in diversified industrial sectors, LM was able to quickly transfer innovation from one sector to another, soon standing out in its market niche for technical excellence, quality and reliability.
The 2000s and taking over the markets
In the second half of the ‘90s, after consolidating its leadership in Italy, LM reached multinationals in Europe and thanks to the introduction of innovative handling system, it successfully approached new market sectors: from bottling to food packaging. This was the crucial step that allowed LM to support the production of standard products, custom solutions designed on specific projects. In 2009, an electrical panel automation and production department was founded to manage every step of design, wiring and testing in-house. Yet still, a complete line of high washdown and sanitisation handling systems was developed and placed on the market. At the same time, Marpatech SrL was founded in Romagna, a start-up specialising in the production of conveyor belts for various sectors, which from the onset guaranteed excellent potential for growth, standing strong on the dynamic nature of the young labour in the area.
LM and Industry 4.0
In the second decade of the 2000s, in response to the market which requires increasingly flexible handling systems that are also suitable for sustainable production, LM arranged for most of the production of components and semi-finished products to be carried out in-house, providing the company with a mechanical processing department perfectly integrated and organised according to the logics of industry 4.0. For LM becoming industry 4.0 not only means fulfilling the demand for process and product innovation, but also implementing a transformation of the business model to guarantee new organisation of the work. This is how the principles of lean organisation are implemented, i.e. a set of methods and techniques aimed at improving all company processes to reduce waste and streamline the activities in the name of transparency, simplification and elasticity. A cultural change that led to quick and immediately recognisable results, also as the value perceived by our customers.
LM - Magnoni
The present (forward-looking)
The acquisition of Magnoni SrL, an established company based in Modena, specialised in the design and production of custom and high quality handling systems for unpackaged and packaged products in the food, beverage and tinned foods (especially full and empty cans) sectors, is part of recent history. But the future is already around the corner, and the pursuit for excellence is a paved road for a company that has built itself up over the years in the field, thanks to the desire to explore, innovate, take risks: this is why today, almost fifty years from the day it was founded, LM is the most accredited, skilled and reliable partner for the supply of connection system between the various packaging and processing machines.