Conical end rollers curves

The curved conveyor system for high speed applications, LM’s conical belt curves have low noise levels and very contained overall dimensions in relation to the belt width.
curve a rulli di estremità conici

Conical end rollers curves

Conical end rollers curves are LM’s most suited LM curved conveyor system for applications with medium/high loads and high speeds for various types of products (cartons, bundles, cases, boxes, glass bottles, jars, etc…). Conical end rollers curves’ ideal use is for end of line or logistics applications. Its main characteristics are sturdiness, contained overall dimensions and silent operation.

  • curve

Technical Sheet

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  • Maximum Weight of Handled product90 Kg
  • Maximum Speed100 m/min
  • Curving anglesfrom 30° to 180°
  • Effective Widthfrom 200 to 1700 mm
  • Internal Radiusfrom 200 to 1100 mm
Suited for
  • cura, persona, casa, chimico
    Personal care / Home, Chemicals
    Bundles, Boxes, Cartons/Trays,
  • logistica
  • tissue
    Boxes, Cartons/trays, Bundles,
  • piatti pronti
    Fresh food / Ready meals
    Boxes, Cartons/trays,
  • tabacco
    Boxes, Cartons,
  • farmaceutico
    Boxes, Cartons,
  • dolciario
    Boxes, Small/large trays, Cartons,
  • pane
    Cartons/trays, Boxes, Small/large trays,
  • beverage
    Bundles, Cartons/trays,
  • ortofrutta
    Fruit & Vegetables / Tinned foods
    Cartons/trays, Small/large trays, Unpackaged product, Bundles,
  • lattiero
    Bundles, Cartons/trays,

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