Layer configurator

Handling system for dividing and rotating products, LM’s Layer Configurator is the specific solution for preparing palletisation layers. Maximum flexibility and contained dimensions are the fundamental characteristics.
Layer configurator

Layer configurator

LM’s layer configurator is designed for dividing and rotating products with the specific function of preparing palletising layers at the infeed of high speed palletising machines. The products are handled and configured as they travel along a conveyor belt by one or two pick-up grippers that perform handling while moving parallel to the said products. Layer configurator is a continuous and safe system that guarantees the integrity of the handled packages. The format change and the palletisation configuration change are carried out very rapidly and automatically, a crucial characteristic for multi-format lines. The contained dimensions, both in length and width, facilitate its insertion into any layout and in particular when retrofitting traditional palletisation systems. The maximum obtainable speed is 40m/min.

  • orientamento
    Product Orientation

Technical Sheet

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  • Speed30 + 30 manipulation cycles/min
  • Capacity160 ppm max
  • Belt speed40m/min max
  • Overall total length 3500mm
  • Total width2200mm
  • Heights600mm/900mm
  • Maximum weight under each manipulator38 Kg for each manipulator
  • Gripper width adjustment rangeFrom 130 to 300mm
Suited for
  • farmaceutico
  • tabacco
  • tissue
    Bundles, Cartons/trays,
  • cura, persona, casa, chimico
    Personal care / Home, Chemicals
    Cartons/Trays, Bundles,
  • piatti pronti
    Fresh food / Ready meals
  • beverage
    Cases, Cartons/trays, Bundles,
  • lattiero
    Cartons/trays, Cases, Bundles,
  • ortofrutta
    Fruit & Vegetables / Tinned foods
    Bundles, Cases, Cartons/trays,
  • pane
  • dolciario


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