Slat Dividers D16

D16 dividers, the divider system for sorting medium sized secondary packaging, guarantee high performance in terms of linear speed and feature numerous infeed and outfeed configurations.
Deviatore D16

Slat Dividers D16

Slat Dividers D16 is LM’s most highly performing diverter model, in terms of linear speed. It is suited for sorting secondary packaging of medium weight and dimension of various types of product (cartons, bundles, boxes, cases, bags, etc…) intended for the bottling, bread making, confectionery, fresh foods, dairy, fresh produce sectors. Slat Dividers D16 has numerous infeed and outfeed configurations and is equipped with various types of product conveyor sliding blocks based on the contact surfaces and speed. The exchange is commanded with pneumatic cylinders or servomotors based on the number of cycles per minute. The centre distance of the infeed and outfeed lanes can be fixed or variable with centralised, manual or automatic control. The model can come with numerous standard systems to facilitate the transfer of unstable products.

  • smistamento
    Sorting Systems
    Slat Dividers,

Technical Sheet

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  • Maximum Number of Infeeds/Outfeeds7
  • Maximum Product Weight16 kg
  • Maximum Speed110 m/min
  • Standard Effective Width550, 740, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300
  • VersionsPainted, stainless steel, Washdown
Suited for
  • logistica
    Bags, Cartons,
  • cura, persona, casa, chimico
    Personal care / Home, Chemicals
    Cartons/Trays, Boxes, Flow-pack, Bags, Bundles,
  • piatti pronti
    Fresh food / Ready meals
    Cartons/trays, Small/large trays, Boxes, Pouches, Bags,
  • farmaceutico
    Cartons, Biomedical bags, Boxes,
  • tabacco
    Cartons, Boxes,
  • tissue
    Cartons/trays, Bundles, Boxes, Flow-pack, Unpackaged product (Rolls, Wet wipes, Paper towels, ),
  • pane
    Flow-pack, Bags, Boxes, Unpackaged product (dry/coated/filled biscuits, Baked goods, Bread, Flat bread/wraps/pita bread, Crackers, Pizza, Savoury snacks/crisps, ), Cartons/trays, Small/large trays,
  • dolciario
    Boxes, Cartons, Small/large trays, Bags, Flow-pack,
  • beverage
    Cases, Cartons/trays, Pouches, Bundles,
  • lattiero
    Cases, Cartons/trays, Bundles, Pouches, Small/large trays, Flow-pack, Bags,
  • ortofrutta
    Fruit & Vegetables / Tinned foods
    Small/large trays, Bundles, Pouches, Bags, Cases, Cartons/trays,


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